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This is one of the most frequent complaints from patients who come to our clinic and want to know if, by investing in digital marketing, the result is guaranteed. To give you that answer, let's start by telling you a story.

Imagine that your nutritionist has given you a diet designed for your needs. He thought of every detail: the times when you feel the most hungry, the practicality that your day to day requires and your food preferences. He measured each ratio, recommended the best meal times, and made his phone number available for you to call whenever you had a question. Your nutritionist's work accounts for 50% of your success.

It turns out that, when you received the food plan, you thought: “I'll leave it to do when I have more free time” and put the paper in the drawer.

So, have you ever stopped to think how many pounds you will have lost at the end of the month?

The math of guaranteed outcome

There is a calculation that exactly translates the proportion of success of your digital marketing strategy and it is very simple: 50% of the result is the agency's responsibility and 50% comes from the patient's effort.

Therefore, our doctors are responsible for guiding, planning and developing strategies, but it is the patient's participation that makes all the difference when it comes to generating the engagement that, consequently, will be converted into sales. It works just like a post-surgery for a medical procedure: the hospital staff does a good job, but the next steps are crucial for you to succeed in the surgery.

And do you know why you miss the execution of the strategy so much? It's just that when a person connects with your brand, they dive into your universe. Your potential customer needs to breathe you in to be inspired and want what your brand has to offer - whether it's a product, a service or even your knowledge.

After all, you have to keep in mind that people will not buy only what you propose to sell. They buy into your story, the emotions you provide, your service and your power to enchant them.

Therefore, medical conduct is clear here at the clinic: we do all the work with you, holding your hand at all times, but we cannot replace you in this mission. Your participation in the process for a guaranteed result is critical.

Dear patient, you are irreplaceable.

But one thing we guarantee you: Dr. Social Media will change the way you think about marketing. You will want to create, you will lose the fear of telling your story and you will learn to take a stand. And you know what you get when you play in the digital universe?

  • Reputation, authority and positioning

  • Get closer to your audience, convert people and sell more

  • Know your customer deeply and gain a competitive edge

  • Delight people who will pay much more for your service because they believe and trust you

So, if you are looking for results, the first step is to share your pain with those who are prepared to solve them. And we know that a good patient is one who doesn't put his health in any doctor's gloves. Count on our team of doctors specializing in digital marketing and sales strategy to make your brand achieve the results you've always dreamed of.

Throughout our trajectory as doctors who save brands, we received many patients with deals that had not lasted even a year, because they did not conquer their audience. Many times they were good ideas, but they were not polished to have a market differential.

Today we are going to tell you the secret of a business to thrive and, in addition, teach you how your brand can leave a mark on the world and win people over.

The 3 steps to building a strong brand

There are 3 fundamental steps that cannot be skipped if you want to have a brand that will be born and play in the world: branding, marketing and content strategy.

After all, despite being 3 different universes, they complement each other - since each one has a function within the strategic plan of a business.


First of all, when we create a brand, we need to have some things very clear, because, just like people, brands have an identity: their purpose, their differentials, their positioning, how they communicate, etc.

So, branding is the first step in this construction because it helps to identify and develop a brand so that it generates identification and connects with people. This is a step, therefore, of self-knowledge. And it is with good branding work that we will develop an irresistible brand that people want to buy.

After all, the consumer tends to connect and choose what generates desire, emotion and identification. Have you ever stopped to think about it?


Now that you have a desired brand, it's time to sell your products or services. This is where marketing strategy comes in. With the branding strategy defined, it's time to dive into the business model, identify the sales gaps that will be filled with the marketing work, analyse your competition to find points of overcoming and think about commercial details: how your product or service will go be distributed? How to price what you sell for your business to make a profit?

Therefore, the marketing plan is very important. It will add value to your branding proposal: it is where the dots of your business connect.


Your brand has gone through the branding and marketing stage. Now, it's time to get your hands dirty and think about the tactical plan that will put into practice everything you imagined for your business.

Therefore, the content plan will identify your brand’s DNA, how it interacts online and offline, the editorial line, the channels that make the most sense for your business and even the emojis you should use to be remembered by the public. ! Here at the clinic, we call this stage a “revolution”, because it is the big step that prepares your business to be relevant and gain authority, and revolutionises (really!) the way you tell your story to the world!

Creating a reference brand

Now, imagine the scene: the patient arrives here at the clinic without any of these strategies and says: I want an Instagram profile to sell a product I created. The doctors’ diagnosis is given on the spot: your business will be born and your idea may be very good, but your brand will go into a coma along with other ideas that did not sustain themselves because they skipped the 3 steps necessary to gain relevance, authority and audience. .

In other words: branding creates, marketing sells and strategic content brings consistency. All together, like our body's systems that connect and work as a team to make us stand up.

And you want to know the best part of this whole story? Dr. Social Media accompanies you in all stages of a brand's health, providing a medical team that will dive into your pain and bring the best direction for your brand to be a reference in the market!

It's time to get your million dollar business off the ground. Do not know where to start? Doctors help you!

One thing is for sure: brands are like people and each person is their own brand. But, before you get confused, our medical team will explain the importance of storytelling in 2 quick and accurate diagnoses with some pain you may be feeling, but don't know the treatment.

Your brand has no heart

Humanized brands are no longer the ones that post pictures of people in their feed or that are purposeless fun. They are those that arouse emotions, that make people feel welcomed, understood, safe and loved.

Therefore, humanized brands exist to make people feel part of something. And that's where a very important factor comes in: humanization happens when you tell a story that causes an action in the other. If you discover this bridge, you will never be short of topics to address on social media.

And why are we talking about humanization? Because brands are like humans (as they need to understand, feel and provoke emotions) and each person is their own brand. To explain this better, let's go to the second big pain:

Executives think that only the brand needs a strategy

You already understand that each person is a brand, but now we are going to explain the impacts of this on your communication.

First of all, it is worth remembering that when you (you yourself, the person reading this text!) decide to join a social network, your personal brand becomes public. If, in this network, you choose to be frequent, expose your opinions, your positioning and your stories, you should attract other people interested in what you have to say to your space. And the more you do it consistently, the more you generate authority and relevance.

However, when you don't do this clearly, you end up leaving your position open to interpretation. And it's like the saying goes: those who are not seen are not remembered. Or more than that: worse than being forgotten is being remembered as someone who didn't create bonds with the public, who didn't enchant with the stories he could have told and didn't connect with people. An executive who has nothing to say leaves a lot to be desired.

Therefore, following a personal branding plan in parallel with your company's is critical for CEOs, senior leaders or executives who need to build digital reputation. After all, no brand tells a story alone. And when we bring relevant people to the forefront of brands, we strengthen and deliver even more value to the business.

Remember: people connect with people. If you are one of the bridges to connect your audience to your business, the chances of generating identification go beyond any borders. And you only have one mission: to tell stories that enchant.

And now, doctor, where to start?

Simple: No communication is clear and effortlessly charming, but you don't have to do it all yourself. Our doctors have specific treatments for those who want to enhance their voice on social media and generate more authority and relevance. We are experts in creating brands that tell stories through people.

That's why our differential goes beyond giving people a voice: we make their hearts beat again. And, with your heartbeat up to date, you and your business will be in total harmony: telling stories, enchanting people and leaving a mark on the world.

It's time to do it in a simple, charming and professional way. When you're ready, just call us!

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